在样式窗口中,当您单击样式的下拉菜单并且样式已分配到文档中的任何位置时,您会立即看到该样式的实例数,并可以选择或删除所有实例. 如果尚未在任何地方指定样式,则这些选项将显示为灰色。

我在 VBA 程序中需要这些信息,但我还没有找到任何方便的方法来获取它,尽管 WinWord 似乎随时可以在它的指尖下获得它。

作为一种解决方法,我已经修改了来自 Tech-Tav.com 的“DeleteUnusedStyles”-Macro 但是我的代码太慢了,以至于处理 ca 350 内置 Microsoft 样式变得不切实际 - 就目前而言,宏不甚至不计算已分配某种风格的实例,而只计算已分配的故事范围。以这种方式计算每个单独的实例将使宏运行一个多小时:

如果没有直接的方法从 VBA 中获取所需的信息(我已经徒劳地研究了一个多星期),有人可以给我一个提示如何加快搜索程序吗?


Dim iStyle% '(the number of the style which is to be processed)


Dim V_NumberOfStylesFound% '(how many styles have been found within the document)
Dim Dim A_StylesUsedInDoc() As String '(An array containing all styles which have been used as base style)
Dim V_BaseStych leListedWhere '(A string listing the Story ranges whithin which the style has been found)

Sub S_SearchForStylesInDocument(V_NumberOfStylesFound, A_StylesUsedInDoc, iStyle, V_BaseStyleListedWhere)
Dim R_MyRange, R_MyStory As Range
Set O_MyStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(iStyle)
V_iNameLocal = ActiveDocument.Styles(iStyle).NameLocal
V_iBaseStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(iStyle).BaseStyle
V_ListedWhere = ""

StatusBar = iStyle & " Examining Story Ranges"
For Each R_MyStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
    Set R_MyRange = R_MyStory
    'StatusBar = iStyle & " Examining " & F_ResolveStoryName(R_MyStory.StoryType) & "..."
        R_MyRange.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(O_MyStyle)
        With R_MyRange.Find
            .Text = ""
            .Replacement.Text = ""
            .Forward = True
            .Wrap = wdFindContinue
            .Format = True
         End With
         If R_MyRange.Find.Execute Then
            StatusBar = iStyle & " Examining Styles Found"
            Select Case V_NumberOfStylesFound
            Case 0
                If V_iBaseStyle <> "" And V_iBaseStyle <> V_iNameLocal Then
                    V_NumberOfStylesFound = V_NumberOfStylesFound + 1
                    A_StylesUsedInDoc(V_NumberOfStylesFound) = V_iBaseStyle
                End If
            Case Is > 0
                Dim i%, Vb_IsListed As Boolean
                Vb_IsListed = False

                If Vb_IsListed = False Then 'found style is not yet listed
                    Dim j%, Vb_IsBaseStyleListed As Boolean
                    'StatusBar = V_iNameLocal & " style is in use."
                    For j = 1 To V_NumberOfStylesFound 'check whether the base style to found style is already listed?
                        If A_StylesUsedInDoc(j) = V_iBaseStyle Then
                            j = V_NumberOfStylesFound
                            Vb_IsBaseStyleListed = True
                        End If
                    Next j
                    If Vb_IsBaseStyleListed = False And V_iBaseStyle <> "" Then 'base style to found style is not yet listed
                        V_NumberOfStylesFound = V_NumberOfStylesFound + 1
                        A_StylesUsedInDoc(V_NumberOfStylesFound) = V_iBaseStyle
                        'StatusBar = V_iBaseStyle & " style is in use."
                    End If
                    'Stop 'how can style get listed twice?
                End If
                V_BaseStyleListedWhere = V_ListedWhere & R_MyStory.StoryType & ","
            End Select
         Set R_MyRange = R_MyStory
         End If
Next R_MyStory
End Sub

1 回答 1


我认为您可以使用Style.InUse 属性快速查找是否已使用样式,然后查找以获取实例计数。

于 2013-03-24T13:46:40.307 回答