我希望对一组结构执行操作,例如加法,如下例所示。程序报错,no match for 'operator+' (operand types are 'Gravity' and 'Friction')
#ifndef FORCE_HPP
#define FORCE_HPP
struct Physics{ // not sure if this is needed
struct Gravity{ // force type 1, which computes gravity
int operator()(double t) { //gravity force is computed based on a parameter t, and returns an int
return Fg;
struct Friction{ // force type 2, which computes friction
int operator()(double t) { //friction force is computed based on parameter t, and returns an int
return Fs;
template< typename F1, typename F2>
Point make_physics(F1 first, F2 second){ // there can be 2 gravity forces, 2 friction forces, or 1 gravity and 1 friction force in a problem. As a result, use a template
return first + second;
int main(){
make_pair(t, make_physics(Gravity(), Friction()) );