是否可以为 anorm 的“on”方法动态创建一个列表?
我有一个带有可选输入的表单,目前我检查每个选项并创建一个包含已定义选项的列表,并试图将其传递给 anorm。目前我得到这个编译错误
type mismatch; found : List[java.io.Serializable] required: (Any, anorm.ParameterValue[_])
val onList = List(
'school_id = input.school,
if(input.rooms isDefined) ('rooms -> input.rooms) else "None" ,
if(input.bathrooms isDefined) ('bathrooms -> input.bathrooms) else "None" ,
if(input.houseType isDefined) ('houseType -> input.houseType) else "None" ,
if(input.priceLow isDefined) ('priceLow -> input.priceLow) else "None" ,
if(input.priceHigh isDefined) ('priceHigh -> input.priceHigh) else "None" ,
if(input.utilities isDefined) ('utilities -> input.utilities) else "None"
SQL("SELECT * FROM Houses WHERE " + whereString).on(onList).as(sqlToHouse *)
.on('rooms -> input.rooms, 'bathroom -> input.bathrooms... etc)
val onList = Seq(
('school_id -> input.school),
if(input.rooms isDefined) ('rooms -> input.rooms.get) else None ,
if(input.bathrooms isDefined) ('bathrooms -> input.bathrooms.get) else None ,
if(input.houseType isDefined) ('houseType -> input.houseType.get) else None ,
if(input.priceLow isDefined) ('priceLow -> input.priceLow.get) else None ,
if(input.priceHigh isDefined) ('priceHigh -> input.priceHigh.get) else None ,
if(input.utilities isDefined) ('utilities -> input.utilities.get) else None
使用 SQL 命令:
SQL("SELECT * FROM Houses WHERE " + whereString).on(onList:_*).as(sqlToHouse *)
[ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to anorm.ParameterValue]