我正在开发一个 JavaScript Web 应用程序,它将一组(堆栈)的抽认卡存储在一个数组中。
现在我遇到了循环内的闭包问题。我查看了这个示例(https://stackoverflow.com/a/15466863/1822824)并尝试实现类似的东西,但我收到一个错误:“TypeError:'null'不是对象(评估'document.getElementById(temp )')”。
Web 应用程序应将所有抽认卡组(堆栈)列为链接,当您单击链接时,它会提醒您单击的抽认卡堆栈的名称。一切正常,直到我尝试添加提醒您的链接部分。
小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/xmYug/
<strong>Flashcard Stack Name:</strong>
<input type="text" id="textStackName">
<strong>Enter one flashcard per line, seperate the front and back of each flashcard with a comma:</strong><br>
<textarea name="textarea" id="textareaFlashcards" cols="45" rows="15"></textarea>
<input type="submit" id="buttonSubmit" value="Submit">
<div id="allStacks">
var funcs = [];
function createfunc(i) {
var temp = "link" + i;
return document.getElementById(temp).onclick = function() {
// Alert the user of the stack name they just clicked on
alert("Stack name: " + allStacks[i].stackName);
/* Constructors */
// Constructs a new stack of flashcards - a stack of flashcards is usually about a single topic such as States & Capitals
function newStackConstructor(stackName) {
this.stackName = stackName;
this.stack = new Array();
// Constructs a new flashcard - a stack can have an unlimited number of flashcards
function newFlashcardConstructor(flashcardFront, flashcardBack) {
this.flashcardFront = flashcardFront;
this.flashcardBack = flashcardBack;
// Contains all of the flashcard stacks
var allStacks = new Array();
// SAMPLE DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Make a test stack
allStacks.push(new newStackConstructor("States & Capitals"));
// Test data
allStacks[0].stack.push(new newFlashcardConstructor("Alabama", "Montgomery"));
allStacks[0].stack.push(new newFlashcardConstructor("Alaska", "Juneau"));
allStacks[0].stack.push(new newFlashcardConstructor("Arizona", "Phoenix"));
buttonSubmit.onclick = function () {
// Make a new flashcard stack
function newFlashcardStack() {
allStacks.push(new newStackConstructor(textStackName.value));
var textareaFlashcardsTemp = textareaFlashcards.value;
// Split flashcards by line break
var flashcards = textareaFlashcardsTemp.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < flashcards.length; i++) {
// Split front & back of flashcards by comma
flashcard = flashcards[i].split(",");
allStacks[(allStacks.length - 1)].stack.push(new newFlashcardConstructor(flashcard[0], flashcard[1]));
// Update stack display to display all of the stacks and the new stack
// Display all flashcard stacks
function displayAllStacks() {
// Clear stack display
document.getElementById("allStacks").innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < allStacks.length; i++) {
funcs[i] = createfunc(i);
document.getElementById("allStacks").innerHTML += '<p><a href="#" id="link' + i + '">' + allStacks[i].stackName + '</a></p>';