当我们从互联网区域重定向到非互联网区域时,我想播放 YouTube 视频。

就像我在某个时候可以访问互联网并且我播放了 Youtube 视频,然后




2 回答 2


I am not going to write any code for this but only tell you the route you probably need to take. As with any online media, If you don't have access to the internet, well you can't really get the data. What you need to do is capture the data which is coming in from any media and save it on the device. When the user then clicks on a video which has been previously saved while not connected to the internet, you can play the saved video file. There isn't really a simple quick way to do this, just do some research on saving streaming video or downloading video and saving to device.

于 2013-03-23T17:52:17.340 回答

I am not aware of any caching mechanism for a browser that could do that 'off the box'. This wouldn't make much sense anyway because the cache would get full with only a few videos.

The only way that comes to mind is to download the video of interest while connected and play it with your favorite media player. There's bound to be a few addons depending on the browser you use, I use VideoDownloadHelper for Firefox but for iPhone this blog seems to have some instructions.

于 2013-03-23T17:49:49.887 回答