我从UIButton 的两种操作方法中得到;下一首并向前搜索:
就我个人而言,我只是在您的视图控制器或按钮子类中使用整数来跟踪按钮的状态。如果您跟踪按钮的操作,您可以控制每个操作的操作。在您的 .h 文件中放入如下内容:
enum {
@interface YourClass : UIViewController {
NSInteger buttonModeAt;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger buttonModeAt;
然后在你的 .m 文件中加入一些这样的东西:
@implementation YourClass
///in your .m file
@synthesize buttonModeAt;
///link this to your button's touch down
-(IBAction)buttonPushedDown:(id)sender {
buttonModeAt = MyButtonStalling;
[self performSelector:@selector(tryScanForward:) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];
-(void)tryScanForward:(id)sender {
if (buttonModeAt == MyButtonStalling) {
///the button was not released so let's start scanning
buttonModeAt = MyButtonScanning;
////your actual scanning code or a call to it can go here
[self startScanForward];
////you will link this to the button's touch up outside
-(IBAction)buttonReleasedOutside:(id)sender {
if (buttonModeAt == MyButtonScanning) {
///they released the button and stopped scanning forward
[self stopScanForward];
} else if (buttonModeAt == MyButtonStalling) {
///they released the button before the delay period finished
///but it was outside, so we do nothing
self.buttonModeAt = MyButtonIdle;
////you will link this to the button's touch up inside
-(IBAction)buttonReleasedInside:(id)sender {
if (buttonModeAt == MyButtonScanning) {
///they released the button and stopped scanning forward
[self stopScanForward];
} else if (buttonModeAt == MyButtonStalling) {
///they released the button before the delay period finished so we skip forward
[self skipForward];
self.buttonModeAt = MyButtonIdle;
之后,只需将按钮的操作链接到我在 IBactions 之前的评论中提到的内容。我没有对此进行测试,但它应该可以工作。