我被赋予了实现以下C功能的任务,该功能实现了C vector

 40 CVector *CVectorCreate(int elemSize, int capacityHint, CVectorCleanupElemFn fn)
 41 {
 42     //allocate a new CVector struct
 43     CVector *cvector = (CVector*)calloc(1, sizeof(CVector));
 44     assert(cvector != NULL);
 45     //allocate space for the buffer
 46     cvector->vector = calloc(capacityHint, elemSize);
 47     assert(cvector->vector != NULL);
 48     /*
 49      * Use these in other to make the code more efficient
 50      * and also there is going to have less coding in other to
 51      * perform the same operation
 52      * I'm also going to explicity initialize all the members of
 53      * vector even though I don't need
 54      */
 55     cvector->capacity = capacityHint;
 56     cvector->elemSize = elemSize;
 57     cvector->head = cvector->tail = 0;
 58     return cvector;
 59 }


 17 typedef struct CVectorImplementation {
 18     // include your desired fields here
 19     int head;
 20     int tail;
 21     int numElements;
 22     int capacity;
 23     int elemSize;
 24     void* vector;
 25 }CVector;


 63 void CVectorDispose(CVector *cv)
 64 {
 65     assert(cv != NULL);
 66     // I would imagine cleanUp holds the function
 67     // that empties the buffer
 68     int index = cv->head;
 69     while(index <= tail) {
 70         (cv->cleanupFn)(cv->vector[index]);
 71     }
 72     free(cv->vector);
 73     // finally free the struct cv
 74     free(cv);
 75 }



1 回答 1


如果我理解正确,清理功能用于清理向量中的单个元素。(在 C++ 术语中,它将是元素类型的析构函数。)因此,当您从向量中删除一个元素时,应该为该元素调用清理函数。它可能是这样定义的:

typedef void (*CVectorCleanupElemFn)(void*);


typedef struct CVectorImplementation {
    // include your desired fields here
     int head;
     int tail;
     int numElements;
     int capacity;
     int elemSize;
     void* vector;
     CVectorCleanupElemFn cleanupFn;
} CVector;



编辑:在 CVectorDispose 函数中,这个想法是正确的,但它有点错误。您正在存储一个指向缓冲区的 void 指针,因此您需要将其转换为char*对其进行算术运算。并且您需要考虑元素大小:

(*cv->cleanupFn)((char*)cv->vector + index * cv->elemSize);

并且您的循环是一个元素太长,如果 tail 是最后一个元素之后的索引。应该

while(index < tail)
于 2013-03-23T14:58:32.523 回答