report zdynamiccol.
type-pools: slis.
data: gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
gs_layout type slis_layout_alv,
g_repid type sy-repid.
types: begin of ty_years,
zyear(4) type c,
end of ty_years.
data it_years type table of ty_years. " The structure that will hold the years to create the dynamic columns
types: begin of st_output, " Sample data
zmonth type string,
zyear(4) type c,
zvalue type i,
check type c,
end of st_output,
gt_tbl_data type standard table of st_output.
data: gt_output type standard table of st_output ,
gt_output2 type standard table of st_output.
r_dyn_table type ref to data,
t_fieldcat1 type lvc_t_fcat,
wa_fieldcat1 type lvc_s_fcat.
t_fieldcat2 type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
wa_fieldcat2 like line of t_fieldcat2.
<t_dyn_table> type standard table,
<wa_dyn_table> type any,
<w_field> type any,
<fs_st_output> type st_output,
<wa_years> type ty_years.
g_repid = sy-repid.
select-options s_dats for sy-datum.
perform get_years. " Make the year column structure
perform create_catalog. " Make the field catalog with the columns
perform get_data. " Sample data
perform process_data. " Fill table
perform build_alv. " Create ALV
form get_years.
refresh: it_years.
data zline like line of it_years.
data year type i.
year = s_dats-low(4).
while year <= s_dats-high(4).
clear zline.
zline-zyear = year.
append zline to it_years.
add 1 to year.
form create_catalog.
data: cont type i.
refresh: t_fieldcat1, t_fieldcat2.
clear: wa_fieldcat1, wa_fieldcat2.
cont = 1.
wa_fieldcat1-fieldname = 'ZMONTH'.
wa_fieldcat1-col_pos = cont.
wa_fieldcat1-coltext = 'MONTH'.
wa_fieldcat1-key = 'X'.
wa_fieldcat1-seltext = wa_fieldcat1-coltext.
append wa_fieldcat1 to t_fieldcat1.
wa_fieldcat2-fieldname = 'ZMONTH'.
wa_fieldcat2-ref_fieldname = 'MONTH'.
wa_fieldcat2-seltext_l = 'Month'.
wa_fieldcat2-seltext_m = 'Month'.
wa_fieldcat2-seltext_s = 'Month'.
wa_fieldcat2-key = 'X' .
wa_fieldcat2-outputlen = 10.
wa_fieldcat2-col_pos = cont.
append wa_fieldcat2 to t_fieldcat2.
loop at it_years assigning <wa_years>.
at new zyear.
clear: wa_fieldcat1, wa_fieldcat2.
wa_fieldcat1-fieldname = <wa_years>-zyear.
wa_fieldcat1-inttype = 'I'.
wa_fieldcat1-col_pos = cont.
wa_fieldcat1-coltext = <wa_years>-zyear.
wa_fieldcat1-seltext = wa_fieldcat1-coltext.
append wa_fieldcat1 to t_fieldcat1.
wa_fieldcat2-fieldname = wa_fieldcat1-fieldname.
wa_fieldcat2-seltext_l = wa_fieldcat1-seltext.
wa_fieldcat2-col_pos = cont.
append wa_fieldcat2 to t_fieldcat2.
add 1 to cont.
call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
it_fieldcatalog = t_fieldcat1
ep_table = r_dyn_table
generate_subpool_dir_full = 1
others = 2.
assign r_dyn_table->* to <t_dyn_table>.
form get_data.
data zrows type i value 10.
data month type i.
data line like line of gt_output.
field-symbols <wa_gt_output> type st_output.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'January'.
line-zyear = 2010.
line-zvalue = 100.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'February'.
line-zyear = 2010.
line-zvalue = 150.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'March'.
line-zyear = 2010.
line-zvalue = 160.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'April'.
line-zyear = 2010.
line-zvalue = 240.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'April'.
line-zyear = 2013.
line-zvalue = 233.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'January'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 151.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'May'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 101.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'June'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 762.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'September'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 666.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'October'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 500.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'November'.
line-zyear = 2012.
line-zvalue = 101.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'December'.
line-zyear = 2013.
line-zvalue = 829.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
clear line.
line-zmonth = 'December'. " Sum to the same month
line-zyear = 2013.
line-zvalue = 1.
append line to gt_output.
append line to gt_output2.
form process_data.
field-symbols <fs_data> type st_output.
field-symbols <fs_check> type st_output.
data lv_index type sy-tabix.
loop at gt_output assigning <fs_st_output>.
check <fs_st_output>-check eq space.
append initial line to <t_dyn_table> assigning <wa_dyn_table>.
assign component 'ZMONTH' of structure <wa_dyn_table> to <w_field>.
<w_field> = <fs_st_output>-zmonth.
loop at gt_output2 assigning <fs_data> where zmonth = <fs_st_output>-zmonth and check eq space.
lv_index = sy-tabix.
check <wa_dyn_table> is assigned.
assign component <fs_data>-zyear of structure <wa_dyn_table> to <w_field>.
<w_field> = <w_field> + <fs_data>-zvalue.
read table gt_output assigning <fs_check> index lv_index. " Check so the position will never be processed later
<fs_check>-check = 'X'.
form build_alv.
data: x_layout type slis_layout_alv,
t_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
refresh t_fieldcat.
clear x_layout.
g_repid = sy-repid.
call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
i_callback_program = g_repid
is_layout = gs_layout
it_fieldcat = t_fieldcat2
t_outtab = <t_dyn_table>
exceptions program_error = 1
others = 2 .
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.