8 回答
一个典型的通用 RNG 算法是Mersenne Twister。各种算法有许多公共实现。看这里一个。
如果 MT 需要太多内存,一个中途的后备是线性同余生成器。(MT 直到 1997 年才发明。)这个生成器有一些问题,但它几乎不需要内存,几乎不需要代码,而且速度非常快。实现无处不在,在 Knuth 的半数字算法中有详细介绍。
要播种任何 RNG,您将需要熵源,请参阅http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(computing)(注意:SO 对该链接中的 () 感到困惑。)这通常是由 CPU 可以观察到的定时事件派生,例如击键、(我猜这对你不起作用)中断和数据包到达。如果实时时钟保持自己的状态,则它通常是可接受的来源,因为很少以任何顺序对重新启动进行计时。
您可以将种子存储到 EEPROM,当设备启动时,您可以增加种子并再次存储。所以,每次重启你都会有不同的随机数。
如果您可以访问 ADC,则可以从中读取最低有效位,并将其用作伪随机数生成器的种子,就像其他人发布的那样。显然,您需要从 ADC 读取多个位,因此需要多次读取,这可能需要一段时间。但是您只需要这样做一次,例如在启动时,然后使用更快的 PRNG 生成新的随机数。
许多嵌入式器件都内置了内置ADC,例如Atmel 的ATMega 系列。
Pseudo random number generators that are the fastest and least demanding w.r.t. the instruction set (only shift and xor, no multiplication or division) are smaller variants of the Mersenne twister idea (called Generalized Linear Feedback Shift register). Mersenne twister itself needs too much memory for microcontrollers.
The problem with these generators is that they may generate long sequences near zero if you are unlucky. With a reasonable size of the state space and initialization from another PNRG this is however unlikely.
They are also not secure for cryptography or gambling, an intelligent adversary can predict future states after observing the output. This is because they are linear.
I once designed such a generator for a small nonstandard processor with a state space of about 50 24-bit words. I tested variants with the Diehard test suite until I found a good one. The application was generating random variations for a hardware test.
// This code was written for 8051 (AT89S52)
unsigned char lfsr = 231; //8 bit shift register, with the seed of 231 or '11100111b'
unsigned char input_bit, i;
void main (void)
P0_0 = 0; // Leave Pin 0 Port 0 floating
uart_init(); //Initializing uart/serial communication with pc
while (1)
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
if (P0_0 == 1) // If Pin 0.0 is HIGH
input_bit = ((lfsr >> 0) ^ (lfsr >> 2) ^ (lfsr >> 3) ^ (lfsr >> 4)) & 1;
lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) | (input_bit << 7);
printf_tiny("%u\n", lfsr); //Send the random number to PC
soft_delay(65535); //Simple delay function
} //end while (1) loop
编辑:我发现我的答案可能很糟糕。关于为什么不应该使用浮动数字引脚的更多详细信息:https ://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/50476/random-number-generators-using-a-gpio-pin