我正在尝试更改 XML 值,然后将其另存为 XML。当我更改没有命名空间的元素时工作正常。问题是,当我要更改的值在命名空间中时;我可以找到并打印出来,但任何更改都会被忽略;像这样:
$ns = $xmlsingle->children('mynamespace');
foreach ($ns as $myelement)
echo "my element is: [$myelement]";
//I can change it:
$myelement = "something else";
echo "my element is now: [$myelement]"; //yay, value is changed!
//But when I save the XML back, the value is not changed... apparently the children method creates a new object; not a link to the existing object
//So if I copy/paste the code above, I have the original value, not the changed value
$ns2 = $xmlsingle->children('mynamespace');
foreach ($ns2 as $myelement)
echo "my element is UNCHANGED! [$myelement]";
//So my change's not done when I save the XML.
$xmlsingle->asXML(); //This XML is exacly the same as the original XML, without changes to the namespaced elements.
**请忽略任何可能无法编译的愚蠢错误,我从原始代码中重新键入了文本,否则会太大;该代码有效,当我将其放回 XML 时,只是 NAMESPACED 元素的值没有改变。
我不是 PHP 专家,也不知道如何以任何其他方式访问命名空间元素……我该如何更改这些值?我到处搜索,但只找到如何读取值的说明。