当他们从 ajax 响应返回时,有一个关于如何在 Symfony2 中正确输出表单提交错误的问题。
我正在通过 ajax 发布表单,如果表单未正确填写,它将使用以下代码发回带有错误的响应...
$errors = $form->getErrorsAsString();
$return = array("responseCode"=>200, "responseVal"=>"Error", "errorReport"=>$errors);
{"responseCode":200,"responseVal":"Error","errorReport":"ERROR: Name cannot be blank.\nERROR: Address cannot be blank.\nERROR: City cannot be blank.\nERROR: State cannot be blank.\nERROR: Zip cannot be blank.\nERROR: Phone cannot be blank.\nERROR: Email cannot be blank.\nname:\n No errors\naddress:\n No errors\ncity:\n No errors\nstate:\n No errors\nzip:\n No errors\nemail:\n No errors\nfax:\n No errors\nphone:\n No errors\n"}
然后我使用 jQuery 将错误写入 div,如下所示:
这给了我一个包含以下内容的 div:
ERROR: Name cannot be blank. ERROR: Address cannot be blank. ERROR: City cannot be blank. ERROR: State cannot be blank. ERROR: Zip cannot be blank. ERROR: Phone cannot be blank. ERROR: Email cannot be blank. name: No errors address: No errors city: No errors state: No errors zip: No errors email: No errors fax: No errors phone: No errors
这看起来真的很俗气。无论如何,在 Twig 或 Symfony 中,我可以格式化这些错误,以便在将它们传递回 twig 模板时看起来像样?我希望它看起来像这样,但我只是不知道它是如何完成的:
Name cannot be blank.
Address cannot be blank.
City cannot be blank.
State cannot be blank.
Zip cannot be blank.
Phone cannot be blank.
Email cannot be blank.
(any of the "No errors" would not be shown)