非常简单的 node.js 问题。我想扩展流对象以重新分块来自远程连接的数据。我正在执行多个 telnet 并向其他服务器发送命令,它们会发回响应。它看起来像这样。

> Hello, this is a command

This is the response to the command.
Sometimes it pauses here (which triggers the 'data' event prematurely).

But the message isn't over until you see the semicolon

我想做的不是在暂停时触发“数据”事件,而是等待 ; 并触发自定义“消息”事件。

我已经阅读并重读了这个问题,但我还没有完全理解(部分是因为它是关于可写流,部分是因为我还没有了解 CoffeeScript)。


  1. 如何扩展/继承 net.CreateConnection 使用的流对象?
  2. 我可以扩展prototype.write 来“拆分”并重新“发出”每个部分吗?


var net = require('net');

var nodes = [
        //list of ip addresses

function connectToServer(ip) {
        var conn = net.createConnection(3083, ip);
        conn.on('connect', function() {
                conn.write ("login command;");
        conn.on('data', function(data) {
                var read =  data.toString();

        var message_list = read.split(/^;/m);

        message_list.forEach (function(message) {
                    console.log("Atonomous message from " + ip + ':' + message);
            //I need to extend the stream object to emit these instead of handling it here
            //Also, sometimes the data chunking breaks the messages in two,
                        //but it should really wait for a line beginning with a ; before it emits.

        conn.on('end', function() {
                console.log("Lost conncection to " + ip + "!!");
        conn.on('error', function(err) {
                console.log("Connection error: " + err + " for ip " + ip);

nodes.forEach(function(node) {


var messageChunk = function () {
  this.readable = true;
  this.writable = true;

require("util").inherits(messageChunk, require("stream"));

messageChunk.prototype._transform = function (data) {

  var regex = /^;/m;
  var cold_storage = '';

  if (regex.test(data))
    var message_list = read.split(/^;/m);

    message_list.forEach (function(message) {
      this.emit("data", message);
    //somehow store the data until data with a /^;/ comes in.

messageChunk.prototype.write = function () {
  this._transform.apply(this, arguments);

但我没有使用原始流,我使用的是 net.createConnection 对象返回的流对象。


1 回答 1


不要使用你直接实现的 _transform、_read、_write 或 _flush 函数,这些函数是供节点内部使用的。

当您看到字符“;”时发出自定义事件 在您的信息流中:

var msg = "";
conn.on("data",function(data)  {
  var chunk = data.toString();
  msg += chunk;
  if(chunk.search(";") != -1)  {
    msg = "";
conn.on("customEvent",function(msg)  {
  //do something with your message
于 2015-03-18T00:44:02.447 回答