我正在使用数组列表添加状态(8 谜题的棋盘状态)。我的问题是当我得到状态的孩子时,它会改变存储在我的数组列表中的值。我假设这是因为 ArrayList 只存储指向对象的指针而不是值本身。为了解决这个问题,我每次都在将它存储到 ArrayList 之前创建一个新对象,但我仍然遇到同样的问题。
private ArrayList<int[][]>VisitedBoard;
if(RuleNumber ==2){
//Here is my problem. This will change what is stored in VistedBoards
NextState = new State(FireRule.Rule2(WM.get_Board()));//Fire Rule
for(int j=0;j<VisitedBoards.size();j++){
//Meaning this will always be true
if(Arrays.equals(VisitedBoards.get(j), NextState.get_Board())){
Loop =true; //Loop to previous state
if(j==VisitedBoards.size()-1 && Loop ==false){ //If the next state is not any previously visited
NotALoop =true;
public int[][] Rule2(int [][] Board){//The FireRule Class
int temp;
State NewState;
temp = Board[BlankLocation[0]-1][BlankLocation[1]];
Board[BlankLocation[0]-1][BlankLocation[1]] = 0;
Board[BlankLocation[0]][BlankLocation[1]] = temp;
NewState = new State(Board);
return Board;
public class State { //State class
private int[][] Board;
private int[][] Goal;
private Boolean GoalFound;
public State(int[][] Start, int[][] goal){
Board = Start;
Goal = goal;
public State(int[][] NewState){
public int[][] get_Goal(){
return Goal;
public int[][] get_Board(){
return Board;
public void set_Board(int[][] board){
Board = board;
public Boolean get_GoalFound(){
return GoalFound;