joomla 2.5.8 版 joomfish 2.5.0 版

我创建了一篇文章并用 joomfish 翻译了它。我使用创建该文章的用户登录,并且正在尝试对其进行编辑。用英语(基本语言)我可以成功编辑它。在希腊语(翻译)中,当我尝试编辑文章时,出现错误“该类别中的另一篇文章具有相同的别名”。


我通常在论坛和谷歌中找不到任何东西......我是否必须切换到 core-joomla-multilingual-system 并卸载 joomfish?它允许在多篇文章中使用相同的别名吗?还有其他建议吗?


1 回答 1


I had similar bug. This 'cause Joom!Fish 2.5 works another way then old versions. It keeps both articles (original and translated) in article manager, so articles anyway can't be stored with same aliases.

What I did: go to /libraries/joomfish/contentelement/contentelements/ You can see *.xml files stored here. Every of this files is corresponding for different elements. For example open content.xml and find this code:

      <translationObjectModel file="joomfish.translatable.translationobject.content">TranslationObjectContent</translationObjectModel>

and remove this.

After you do this Joom!Fish stops duplicate contents, and you'll get many translations with same alias!

P.S.: You may need to remove duplicate articles in Article Manager.

于 2014-02-21T12:11:09.720 回答