编辑:我试图在里面运行它的类/方法是静态的,因此我无法将它传递给 generic.Invoke
Type type1 = typeof( T );
var item = (T)Activator.CreateInstance( typeof( T ), new object[] { } );
foreach (PropertyInfo info in type1.GetProperties())
Type dataType = info.PropertyType;
Type dataType = info.PropertyType;
MethodInfo method = typeof( DataReader ).GetMethod( "Read" );
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod( dataType );
//The next line is causing and error as it expects a 'this' to be passed to it
//but i cannot as i'm inside a static class
generic.Invoke( this, info.Name, reader );
info.SetValue(item,DataReader.Read<dataType>(info.Name, reader ) , null);