我在用户表单上有 4 个以上的组合框。当它们触发时,它们触发相同的事件。我想做的是找出哪个 ComboBox 触发了事件。组合框的创建取决于有多少组件。生成 ComboBox 的代码如下所示:

For j = 0 To UBound(ComponentList) - 1
'Set Label
num = j + 1
Set control = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "ComponentLabel" & CStr(num) & ":", True)
With control
    .Caption = "Component " & CStr(num)
    .Left = 30
    .Top = Height
    .Height = 20
    .Width = 100
    .Visible = True
End With
'set ComboBox
Set combo = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "Component" & num & ":", True)
With combo
    .List = ComponentList()
    .Left = 150
    .Top = Height
    .Height = 20
    .Width = 50
    .Visible = True
    Set cButton = New clsButton
    Set cButton.combobox = combo
    coll.Add cButton
End With
Height = Height + 30
Next j

这很好用,我可以获得用户选择的值,但我找不到使用了哪个 ComboBox。下面的代码是它触发的事件(clsButton):

Public WithEvents btn As MSForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents combobox As MSForms.combobox
Private combolist() As String

Private Sub btn_Click()
    If btn.Caption = "Cancel" Then
        MsgBox "Cancel"
        Unload UserForm1
        Variables.ComponentSelectionError = False
    ElseIf btn.Caption = "Enter" Then
        MsgBox "enter"
        Unload UserForm1
        Variables.ComponentSelectionError = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub combobox_Click()
    MsgBox combobox.Value
End Sub

上面这段代码由 Doug Glancy 精心编写,以使事件与代码生成的 ComboBoxes 一起工作。

如何获取触发事件的 ComboBox?即名称或某种其他形式的标识。


4 回答 4


在搜索了 500 多个网页后,我终于回答了我自己的问题(花了很长时间)


Private Sub combobox_Click()
MsgBox combobox.Value
If combobox = UserForm1.Controls("Component0") Then
    MsgBox "Success1"
End If
If combobox = UserForm1.Controls("Component1") Then
    MsgBox "Success2"
End If
End Sub


于 2013-03-22T11:36:25.837 回答

.Name内不会出现在组合框的智能感知列表中,因为MSForms.ComboBox它本身实际上并没有 name 属性(在 F2 对象浏览器中查看它),而是该属性由Control基类提供:

Private Sub combobox_Click()

    MsgBox combobox.Value
    MsgBox combobox.Name '// no hint but still works

    '//cast to a Control to get the formal control interface with .Name
    Dim ctrl As Control: Set ctrl = combobox
    MsgBox ctrl.Name

End Sub
于 2013-03-22T11:35:28.897 回答

也许再次参考 btn.Combobox?类似于您首先将组合框分配给按钮的方式,但反过来:

set combobox = btn.Combobox 
于 2013-03-22T10:43:30.167 回答


For j = 0 To UBound(ComponentList) - 1
'Set Label
num = j + 1
Set control = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "ComponentLabel" & CStr(num) & ":", True)
With control
    .Caption = "Component " & CStr(num)
    .Left = 30
    .Top = Height
    .Height = 20
    .Width = 100
    .Visible = True
End With
'set ComboBox
Set combo = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1", "Component" & num & ":", True)
With combo
    .List = ComponentList()
    .Left = 150
    .Top = Height
    .Height = 20
    .Width = 50
    .Visible = True
    Set cButton = New clsButton
    with cButton
        .combobox = combo
        .Indx = j
    end With    'cButton
    coll.Add cButton
End With
Height = Height + 30
Next j


Public WithEvents btn As MSForms.CommandButton
Dim WithEvents mCombobox As MSForms.comboBox
Private combolist() As String

Public Indx As Long

Property Let comboBox(cb As MSForms.comboBox)
    Set mCombobox = cb
End Property

Private Sub btn_Click()
    If btn.Caption = "Cancel" Then
        MsgBox "Cancel"
        Unload UserForm1
        Variables.ComponentSelectionError = False
    ElseIf btn.Caption = "Enter" Then
        MsgBox "enter"
        Unload UserForm1
        Variables.ComponentSelectionError = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub mCombobox_Click()

    MsgBox "Combobox " & Indx & Chr(9) & mComboBox.Value

End Sub



Public Sub cbCallBack(ocb As clsButton)
    MsgBox ocb.Indx
End Sub

在 clsButton 中(替换事件处理程序)

Private Sub mCombobox_Click()
    cbCallBack Me
End Sub
于 2013-12-31T00:08:06.750 回答