Similarly to this question I have a project on Codeplex and when I attempt to connect to the Codeplex TFS server in Visual Studio 2012 (on windows 8) I get a 407 'proxy authentication' server error.

My company does use a proxy server but I could previously connect to the Codeplex TFS server with Visual Studio 2010 on windows 7.

I have tried refreshing the start page as suggested in the linked question but this has no effect. Are there any other options to get connected to TFS?

To duplicate run VS2012 Premium in W8 click Team > Connect to Team Foundation Server, Click 'Servers...' then 'Add...', enter 'https://tfs.codeplex.com:443/tfs/TFS03' in the first textbox then click OK. Error TF31002 popup appears.


1 回答 1


我刚刚在 Windows 7 下使用 VS2012 连接到我的 codeplex 项目时遇到了同样的问题。转到 Visual Studio 起始页,或进入扩展管理器以帮助设置代理身份验证没有帮助。

实际上,代理身份验证已在一天未收到我们的管理员 grrrr 通知的情况下开启。

我通过进入我的Windows "Vault" => Manage Windows Credentials解决了这个问题,并删除了与 codeplex 相关的每个凭据条目。然后我删除了 TFS 服务器并在 Visual Studio 中重新注册了它。


于 2013-07-17T07:58:06.297 回答