I have following handlebar and helper method
{{myHelper grp.group_name optionBinding=data}}
where data looks like => Object {Eastern Group: 1} and grp.group_name = 'Eastern Group'
Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('myHelper', function(value, options) {
var map = options.hash.optionBinding;
return map[value];
since I am using registerBoundHelper-- with every change in data (which is a key/value object) return from myHelper should also refresh ?
Following is as per guide published at http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.html#method_registerBoundHelper
Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
{{repeat text countBinding="numRepeats"}}
In this example, count will be bound to the value of the numRepeats property on the context. If that property changes, the helper will be re-rendered.