如何从 Word 文档的第一页中删除所有前导空格(空格、空行)?


1 回答 1



' return True if the character at the given position is a whitespace character.
' codepoints courtesy of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character#Unicode
Function IsSpace(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Position As Long = 1)

    Select Case AscW(Mid(Text, Position, 1))
        Case &H9, &HA, &HB, &HC, &HD, &H20, &H85, &HA0, _
                &H1680, &H180E, &H2000, &H2001, &H2002, &H2003, &H2004, &H2005, &H2006, _
                &H2007, &H2008, &H2009, &H200A, &H2028, &H2029, &H202F, &H205F, &H3000
            IsSpace = True

        Case Else
            IsSpace = False
    End Select

End Function

' return True if the paragraph consists only of whitespace
Function IsParagraphEmpty(ByVal pg As Paragraph)

    Dim i As Long

    For i = 1 To Len(pg.Range.Text)
        If Not IsSpace(pg.Range.Text, i) Then
            IsParagraphEmpty = False
            Exit Function
        End If

    IsParagraphEmpty = True
End Function

' delete leading whitespace from the given document.
Sub DeleteLeadingWhitespaceFrom(ByVal Document As Document)

    While IsParagraphEmpty(Document.Paragraphs.First)
        Dim i As Long
        i = Document.Paragraphs.Count


        ' no change in number of paragraphs, bail
        If i = Document.Paragraphs.Count Then Exit Sub


End Sub

' macro: delete leading whitespace from the active document
Sub DeleteLeadingWhitespace()

    DeleteLeadingWhitespaceFrom ActiveDocument

End Sub
于 2013-03-25T00:19:56.497 回答