

我正在获取一个 .CSV 格式的原始数据文件,其中包含整个赛季 NBA 比赛的比赛。


每行包含游戏 ID、行号(无关)、剩余时间和“游戏信息”。

我在下面包含了一个示例(示例 1)。

需要写入的信息如下所示(示例 2),球场上有 10 名球员:

  • 录制该剧的时间
  • 时期
  • 期间剩余的时间
  • 事件类型
  • 如果有帮助
  • 助攻的球员
  • 如果有犯规
  • 被犯规的人



示例 1:

GameID, LineNumber, TimeRemaining,  Entry

20071030HOULAL, 1,  0:48:00,        Start of 1st Quarter
20071030HOULAL, 2,  0:48:00,        Jump Ball Brown vs Yao
20071030HOULAL, 3,  0:47:42,        [LAL] Walton Jump Shot: Missed
20071030HOULAL, 4,  0:47:41,        [LAL] Brown Rebound (Off:1 Def:0)
20071030HOULAL, 5,  0:47:29,        [LAL] Bryant Jump Shot: Missed
20071030HOULAL, 6,  0:47:28,        [HOU] Alston Rebound (Off:0 Def:1)
20071030HOULAL, 7,  0:47:06,        [HOU] Yao Jump Shot: Missed

示例 2:

a1(away),a2(away), a3(away), a4, a5, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, period,time,team, etype, assist, away, block, entered, home, left, num, opponent, outof, player, points,possession, reason, result, steal

(表示为 csv 文件中的每一行存储的值 - 太容易混淆而无法包含示例数据)



第一个问题是在为每支球队累积场上的所有 10 名球员时出现的。

我使用累加器存储播放数据,直到记录所有 10 个播放器,然后写入播放数据,添加 10 个播放器。


例如,为休斯顿效力的 Luther Head 录制了一场比赛,但他从未被录制到a1, a2, a3, a4a5(当前比赛的客队)。


if team == homeTeam:
    if h1 == ' ' and firstPlayer != h2 and firstPlayer != h3 and firstPlayer != h4 and firstPlayer != h5:
        h1 = firstPlayer
    if h2 == ' ' and firstPlayer != h1 and firstPlayer != h3 and firstPlayer != h4 and firstPlayer != h5:
        h2 = firstPlayer
    if h3 == ' ' and firstPlayer != h1 and firstPlayer != h2 and firstPlayer != h4 and firstPlayer != h5:
        h3 = firstPlayer
    if h4 == ' ' and firstPlayer != h1 and firstPlayer != h2 and firstPlayer != h3 and firstPlayer != h5:
        h4 = firstPlayer
    if h5 == ' ' and firstPlayer != h1 and firstPlayer != h2 and firstPlayer != h3 and firstPlayer != h4:
        h5 = firstPlayer               

if team == visitingTeam:
    if a1 == ' ' and firstPlayer != a2 and firstPlayer != a3 and firstPlayer != a4 and firstPlayer != a5:
        a1 = firstPlayer
    if a2 == ' ' and firstPlayer != a1 and firstPlayer != a3 and firstPlayer != a4 and firstPlayer != a5:
        a2 = firstPlayer
    if a3 == ' ' and firstPlayer != a1 and firstPlayer != a2 and firstPlayer != a4 and firstPlayer != a5:
        a3 = firstPlayer
    if a4 == ' ' and firstPlayer != a1 and firstPlayer != a2 and firstPlayer != a3 and firstPlayer != a5:
        a4 = firstPlayer
    if a5 == ' ' and firstPlayer != a1 and firstPlayer != a2 and firstPlayer != a3 and firstPlayer != a4:
        a5 = firstPlayer

if etype != 'sub':  <<<<----This type of event is diffent
    if team == homeTeam and secondPlayer != ' ':
        if h1 == ' ' and secondPlayer != h2 and secondPlayer != h3 and secondPlayer != h4 and secondPlayer != h5:
            h1 = secondPlayer
        if h2 == ' ' and secondPlayer != h1 and secondPlayer != h3 and secondPlayer != h4 and secondPlayer != h5:
            h2 = secondPlayer 
        if h3 == ' ' and secondPlayer != h1 and secondPlayer != h2 and secondPlayer != h4 and secondPlayer != h5:
            h3 = secondPlayer 
        if h4 == ' ' and secondPlayer != h1 and secondPlayer != h2 and secondPlayer != h3 and secondPlayer != h5:
            h4 = secondPlayer 
        if h5 == ' ' and secondPlayer != h1 and secondPlayer  != h2 and secondPlayer != h3 and secondPlayer != h4:
            h5 = secondPlayer

    if team == visitingTeam and secondPlayer != ' ':
        if a1 == ' ' and secondPlayer != a2 and secondPlayer != a3 and secondPlayer != a4 and secondPlayer != a5:
            a1 = secondPlayer
        if a2 == ' ' and secondPlayer != a1 and secondPlayer != a3 and secondPlayer != a4 and secondPlayer != a5:
            a2 = secondPlayer
        if a3 == ' ' and secondPlayer != a1 and secondPlayer != a2 and secondPlayer != a4 and secondPlayer != a5:
            a3 = secondPlayer
        if a4 == ' ' and secondPlayer != a1 and secondPlayer != a2 and secondPlayer != a3 and secondPlayer != a5:
            a4 = secondPlayer
        if a5 == ' ' and secondPlayer != a1 and secondPlayer != a2 and secondPlayer != a3 and secondPlayer != a4:
            a5 = secondPlayer



为了获得玩家,我将字符串的前半部分分配给一个变量,将后半部分分配给另一个变量。然后我拆分字符串(sep = ' '),所以它在一个列表中。


如果是第一个字符串,则为该玩家分配firstPlayer 变量,如果是第二个字符串,则为该玩家分配 secondPlayer变量。


if 'Shot' in string:
   etype = 'shot'
   player = firstPlayer
   if 'Assist' in string:
       assist = secondPlayer




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