I'm working on a UserControl (named DiagramControl) and have a problem. The UserControl's code is as follows:

         <ScrollViewer x:Name="DesignerScrollViewer" ... />               
         <s:ZoomBox x:Name="zoomBox"
                   ScrollViewer="{Binding ElementName=DesignerScrollViewer}"/>

I am binding the ZoomBox (which has a scrollviewer DP) to DesignerScrollViewer. The method I use now works fine since the ZoomBox and DesignerScrollViewer are in the same XAML file.

What I would like to do however is to remove the ZoomBox from the control and define it in the window that uses the control. so for example something like:

   <s:DiagramControl x:Name="DC" ... />
   <s:ZoomBox ScrollViewer={Binding ElementName=DC,Path=DesignerScrollViewer}/>

I tried this but it doesn't work. How can I perform the binding that I need?


I figured out what I needed to do. I added a ScrollViewer DP to DiagramControl and had it update when the DesignerScrollViewer's Layout was updated. so the following went into my DiagramControl code behind:

        public static readonly DependencyProperty ScrollViewerProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("ScrollViewer", typeof(ScrollViewer), typeof(DiagramControl), new UIPropertyMetadata(null, ScrollViewer_PropertyChanged));

        public ScrollViewer ScrollViewer
            get { return (ScrollViewer)GetValue(ScrollViewerProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ScrollViewerProperty, value); }

        private static void ScrollViewer_PropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

        private void DesignerScrollViewer_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ScrollViewer = DesignerScrollViewer;

Now that the ScrollViewer DP had an update source i was able to bind to it from the window using the DiagramControl. Hope this helps someone in future.


1 回答 1


首先,您不应该将 UI 控件放入视图模型属性中(没有充分的理由 - 让视图模型保存所有信息并与之绑定)- 您的结构(视图 <-> 视图模型)也会得到“参与”并导致越来越多的黑客攻击 - 不碍事:) ...



如果您想要类似的东西,请在上面制作一个 DesignerScrollViewerProperty并将UserControl其放入路径中(保留该ElementName部分)。那可能只是一个属性(您需要INotifyPropertyChanged并引发事件)。



<my:ZoomBox DataContext="{Binding ElementName=diagramControl, Path=.}"></my:ZoomBox>
<my:DiagramControl x:Name="diagramControl"></my:DiagramControl>


<UserControl x:Class="YourApp.ZoomBox" ...="">
        <Button x:Name="GoUp" Command="{Binding UpCommand}" Content="Go Up" IsDefault="False" />
        <Button x:Name="GoDown" Command="{Binding DownCommand}" Content="Go Down" IsDefault="False" />


<UserControl x:Class="YourApp.DiagramControl" ...="">
        <ScrollViewer x:Name="_scrollViewer" >


public partial class DiagramControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
    RelayCommand _upCommand;
    RelayCommand _downCommand;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { this.PropertyChanged.Raise(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); }

    public DiagramControl()

    public RelayCommand UpCommand 
            return _upCommand ?? (_upCommand = new RelayCommand(
                param =>
                param => true)); 

    public RelayCommand DownCommand
            return _downCommand ?? (_downCommand = new RelayCommand(
                param =>
                param => true));

...您可以绑定到您的 DP,而不是(的DataContext)。并放置您想要的任何操作(例如放大/缩小)而不是向上/向下。

这仍然是不合适的,为了让它没事 - 你应该将你的图表和缩放框绑定到同一个视图模型(直接跳过绑定到用户控件 - 但通过视图模型间接地“通信”) - 但这很复杂有点因为您将需要一些事件来处理命令,并对TwoWay值进行绑定以来回循环等。

于 2013-03-22T01:01:34.807 回答