I'm creating a highchart using the lazy_highcharts gem. I'd like to make use of the afterSetExtremes callback to regenerate some other data on the page on zooming. I've tried several ways, currently trying:
@chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new('graph') do |f|
f.chart(:zoomType =>'x', :defaultSeriesType => 'spline')
f.x_axis(:type=> 'datetime', :events => {:afterSetExtremes => "functon(event){alert('something')}"} )
But that gives me the error
Uncaught TypeError: Object functon(event){alert('something')} has no method 'apply'
in the javascript console when I zoom the chart. I assume this has something to do with the generator not correctly setting up the callback function, setting it as a string instead of interpreting it as a function.
I've also tried to set it on my chart object via javascript after creation, but so far have had no luck with that. A few attempts below
chart_my_id4.xAxis.events = {setExtremes: function(event) {
alert('set extremes');
chart_my_id4.xAxis[1].events = {setExtremes: function(event) {
alert('set extremes');
No luck there either.
Any insight appreciated, thank you.