In my project, I attend to measure the HTML parsing time, that is, how much percent of processing time is for HTML parsing when a web browser handling a particular webpage.

It seems instrumenting Firefox would be a good place to start. But this may take some time (I have no idea of the any complexities of instrumenting Firefox to fetch this info).

So my question is: Any idea on measuring this ratio in a relative lightweight way? Or by any chance you saw this information already available on any public papers/websites?


1 回答 1


我猜你需要对你的 HTML 进行基准测试。理想情况下,基准工具将为您提供不同的输出,因为它基本上基于许多参数。开始吧,您可以使用一些在线工具来对您的 HTML 页面进行基准标记。HTML Benchmark 有很多搜索。

然后您可以使用以下标记来标记您的浏览器。 http://browsermark.rightware.com/


于 2013-03-21T17:31:13.617 回答