当我在视频条目上使用 getEditLink() 时,它始终为空,即使连接的用户是视频的作者。
// $this->yt_user is the Zend_Gdata_YouTube object that is connected
// to the API using the user's session token. This same object was
// used to upload the video to the user's account.
// $input['get'] is sanitized $_GET. The id value is the video's ID
// sent by Youtube after a video upload from the browser.
$videoEntry = $this->yt_user->getVideoEntry($input['get']['id']);
我可以通过调用 var_export($videoEntry) 来验证 $videoEntry 是一个有效的视频。
我需要能够在上传后编辑视频,但由于 getEditLink() 始终为空,我无法调用 $videoEntry->getEditLink()->getHref();