我将 gps 数据设为 2 double
- 一个double
Location.convert(mGps.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_MINUTES);
我将 gps 数据设为 2 double
- 一个double
Location.convert(mGps.getLatitude(), Location.FORMAT_MINUTES);
在这个Wikipedia 链接中,您有一个 Java 实现来进行这种转换。
// Input a double latitude or longitude in the decimal format
// e.g. 87.728056
String decimalToDMS(double coord) {
String output, degrees, minutes, seconds;
// gets the modulus the coordinate divided by one (MOD1).
// in other words gets all the numbers after the decimal point.
// e.g. mod = 87.728056 % 1 == 0.728056
// next get the integer part of the coord. On other words the whole number part.
// e.g. intPart = 87
double mod = coord % 1;
int intPart = (int)coord;
//set degrees to the value of intPart
//e.g. degrees = "87"
degrees = String.valueOf(intPart);
// next times the MOD1 of degrees by 60 so we can find the integer part for minutes.
// get the MOD1 of the new coord to find the numbers after the decimal point.
// e.g. coord = 0.728056 * 60 == 43.68336
// mod = 43.68336 % 1 == 0.68336
// next get the value of the integer part of the coord.
// e.g. intPart = 43
coord = mod * 60;
mod = coord % 1;
intPart = (int)coord;
// set minutes to the value of intPart.
// e.g. minutes = "43"
minutes = String.valueOf(intPart);
//do the same again for minutes
//e.g. coord = 0.68336 * 60 == 41.0016
//e.g. intPart = 41
coord = mod * 60;
intPart = (int)coord;
// set seconds to the value of intPart.
// e.g. seconds = "41"
seconds = String.valueOf(intPart);
// I used this format for android but you can change it
// to return in whatever format you like
// e.g. output = "87/1,43/1,41/1"
output = degrees + "/1," + minutes + "/1," + seconds + "/1";
//Standard output of D°M′S″
//output = degrees + "°" + minutes + "'" + seconds + "\"";
return output;
* Conversion DMS to decimal
* Input: latitude or longitude in the DMS format ( example: N 43° 36' 15.894")
* Return: latitude or longitude in decimal format
* hemisphereOUmeridien => {W,E,S,N}
public double DMSToDecimal(String hemisphereOUmeridien,double degres,double minutes,double secondes)
double LatOrLon=0;
double signe=1.0;
if((hemisphereOUmeridien=="W")||(hemisphereOUmeridien=="S")) {signe=-1.0;}
LatOrLon = signe*(Math.floor(degres) + Math.floor(minutes)/60.0 + secondes/3600.0);
这称为度数到 DMS 的转换。请参阅http://support.microsoft.com/kb/213449以及wiki
上的 java 代码和更多信息