I am trying to understand the running time of counting sort. In my notes, it says, assuming the size of the array A is n, and k is the number of times each number occurs,
Counting-Sort(A,k) {
for (i=1; i <= k; i++) // initialize number counters to 0
times[i] = 0;
for (j=1; j <= length[A]; j++) // decide how many times each
times[A[j]]++; // number appears in the input
// form the sorted array
for ( i=1; i <= k; i++) // consider each number in the range
for ( j=1; j <= times[ i ]; j++) { // generate that number in
A[m]=i; // the output as many times as
m++; // it occurs in the input
Let ti denote the number of times the inner loop iterates for each i. When we look at the nested for loops at the bottom of the code, note that, every time the inner loop is iterated, we are placing a new number into its correct place in the output array. Hence: sum ti (from i=1 to k) = n.
I don't understand why this sum is equal to n. The outer loop iterates k times, and inner loop may iterate at most n times, so it must be O(nk). Can somebody explain? Thanks