I want to add an integer to a list that already exists using Racket. Here is the code that I have so far.

(define (countBlackPegs gameList playerList)
(define blackPegs '())

(if (equal? (car playerList) (car gameList)) 
  (set! blackPegs '(1))
  (set! blackPegs '(0)))

In theory I should be able to repeat the if statement (examining a different part of the list each time) and then append the blackPegs list with the appropriate value based on the result of the if statement. Unfortunately every append function I have tried doesn't work correctly. Any help would be appreciated.


1 回答 1



(set! blackPegs (cons 1 blackPegs))


(set! blackPegs (append blackPegs (list 1)))

但是,请注意,在 Scheme 中不建议使用这种编程风格,您应该尽量避免变异变量 - 首选函数式编程风格。

于 2013-03-21T02:43:17.560 回答