I seem to get noticeably lower quality text rendering from captureVisibleTab than I see on screen. From what I've read, captureVisibleTab just grabs its image from memory (see Chromium issue 44758), so I'm not quite sure why this would be. I've got a retina MacBook but the images are noticeably worse on a regular screen too. I'm writing an extension for a web typography tool that depends specifically on text rendering so any workaround or alternative approach would be much appreciated.

Here's a screenshot of the BBC home page as I see it:


And the dataURI loaded with the following code:

chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(null, {format: "png"}, function(dataURI) {

Looks like this:


(Open those two screenshots in tabs and flick back and forth between them to see what I mean.)


2 回答 2


尝试将格式更改为 jpeg 并提高质量

于 2013-05-01T02:03:15.713 回答

这看起来像是 Chromium 中的一个已知问题 - code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=415297

于 2014-12-28T04:00:22.913 回答