select k.Val, sum(k.Cnt) "Cnt" from
(select a.Env_Location "Val", count( a.VolumeID ) "Cnt"
from DTree
join ZCOP_APLNG_Documents a on
DTree.DataID = a.DataID and DTree.VersionNum = a.VersionNum
DTree.OwnerID = -2111 and
DTree.SubType not in ( 0, 136 ) and
a.Env_Location is not NULL
group by a.Env_Location
b.Env_Location "Val", count( b.VolumeID ) "Cnt"
from DTree
join ZCOP_APLNG_Corr b on
DTree.DataID = b.DataID and DTree.VersionNum = b.VersionNum
DTree.OwnerID = -2111 and
DTree.SubType not in ( 0, 136 ) and
b.Env_Location is not NULL
group by b.Env_Location
) k
group by k.Val
谁能帮我完成这项工作。显示错误 Val 或 Cnt 是无效标识符。我们不能为列使用一些列别名吗?