下面的代码创建了 2 个数据集。第一个只是完整的日志,日志中每行一个观察。第二个数据集仅包含那些被标识为“错误”的行。请注意,我将某些警告和注释语句视为错误,因为它们可能会隐藏代码中的拼写错误或其他语法或语义问题:
%let logfile = myfile.log;
data problems log;
length line $1000;
infile "&logfile";
logfile = "&logfile";
line_no = _n_;
line = _infile_;
problem = 0;
line =: "ERROR:"
or line =: "WARNING:"
or line =: "NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values"
or line =: "NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values"
or line =: "NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values"
or line =: "NOTE: MERGE statement has more than one data set with repeats of BY values"
or line =: "NOTE: Invalid (or missing) arguments to the INTNX function have caused the function to return"
or line =: "INFO: Character variables have defaulted to a length of 200"
or line =: "NOTE: Invalid"
and not
line =: "WARNING: Your system is scheduled to expire"
or line =: "WARNING: The Base Product product with which Session Manager is associated"
or line =: "WARNING: will be expiring soon, and is currently in warning mode to indicate"
or line =: "WARNING: this upcoming expiration. Please run PROC SETINIT to obtain more"
or line =: "WARNING: information on your warning period."
or line =: "WARNING: This CREATE TABLE statement recursively references the target table. A consequence"
or line =: "WARNING: Unable to copy SASUSER registry to WORK registry. Because of this, you will not see registry customizations during this"
or line =: "ERROR: A lock is not available for"
or line =: "ERROR: Errors printed on page"
then do;
problem = 1;
output problems;
output log;