我正在尝试转换读取二进制文件的 VB6 应用程序。我列出了我尝试使用的 VB6 和转换后的 VB.Net 代码。我已经尝试了我能想到的一切,要么无法读取流的末尾,要么无法确定数组类型,因为它什么都不是。 请帮忙!
'#################### VB6 Code ####################
Private Const DIGITALOUTS = 24
Private Const PAUSES = 8
Private PLabel(PAUSES - 1) As String * 30
Private EventLab(DIGITALOUTS - 1) As String * 20
Private Sub ReadFile()
Dim FileNumber As Integer
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open "C:\TEST.BAT" For Binary As #FileNumber
Get #FileNumber, 3000, PLabel 'automatic pausing instruction labels
Get #FileNumber, 3500, EventLab 'digital output channel labels
Close #FileNumber
End Sub
'#################### Converted VB.Net Code ####################
Private Const DIGITALOUTS As Short = 24
Private Const PAUSES As Short = 8
<VBFixedArray(PAUSES - 1)> <VBFixedString(30)> Dim PLabel() As String
<VBFixedArray(DIGITALOUTS - 1)> <VBFixedString(20)> Dim EventLab() As String
Private Sub ReadFile()
Dim f As Short = FreeFile()
FileOpen(f, "C:\TEST.BAT", OpenMode.Binary)
FileGet(f, PLabel, 3000) 'automatic pausing instruction labels <===Error: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream
FileGet(f, EventLab, 3500) 'digital output channel labels
End Sub