嘿,我正在使用 QueryPerformanceCounter 来计算函数需要多长时间(以毫秒为单位),但我收到了这个运行时错误:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around variable 'time1' is corrupted.
void print()
unsigned long int time1 = 0;
unsigned long int time2 = 0;
//Loop through the elements in the array.
for(int index = 0; index < num_elements; index++)
//Print out the array index and the arrays elements.
cout <<"Index: " << index << "\tElement: " << m_array[index]<<endl;
//Prints out the number of elements and the size of the array.
cout<< "\nNumber of elements: " << num_elements;
cout<< "\nSize of the array: " << size << "\n";
cout << "\nTime Taken : " << time1 - time2 <<endl;