When an application is deployed in GAE cloud (Appspot.com); Is there a way to update or modify the static files on the src/main/webapps folder? For example the HTML and JSP files?

  • Either upload a modified HTML and JSP without redeploying the whole application?

Much like what we can do with Apache Tomcat, where we can modify the contents of the deployed app?


2 回答 2


据我所知,除了重新部署整个应用程序之外别无他法。App Engine 在沙箱中运行,写入文件访问权限是安全管理器不允许的事情之一。

于 2013-03-20T10:48:27.733 回答

不幸的是,“App Engine 不支持写入本地文件” http://goo.gl/kxNM5

于 2013-03-20T16:11:26.707 回答