我目前使用 JTextPane 来允许用户添加/编辑文本。它允许粗体/斜体/下划线(我计划将来允许链接)。它还允许用户放入按钮,这些按钮作为自定义样式插入。面板看起来像:


我希望能够将内容保存/加载为 HTML - 内容将合并到 Flash swf 中。我能够像这样以 HTML 格式获取内容:

     public String getHTMLText(){

     ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
   HTMLEditorKit hk = new HTMLEditorKit();
   hk.write(baos, this.getStyledDocument(), 0, this.getDocument().getLength());
      } catch (IOException e) {
      } catch (BadLocationException e) {
      return baos.toString();

如果 JTextPane 仅包含粗体/斜体/下划线文本,则此方法可以正常工作。虽然输出过于复杂。我也希望能够输出我的自定义样式,但是当我尝试时出现此错误:

 Exception occurred during event dispatching:
 at javax.swing.text.html.MinimalHTMLWriter.writeAttributes(MinimalHTMLWriter.java:151)
 at javax.swing.text.html.MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStyles(MinimalHTMLWriter.java:256)
 at javax.swing.text.html.MinimalHTMLWriter.writeHeader(MinimalHTMLWriter.java:220)
 at javax.swing.text.html.MinimalHTMLWriter.write(MinimalHTMLWriter.java:122)
 at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.write(HTMLEditorKit.java:293)
 at javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit.write(DefaultEditorKit.java:152)
 at numeracy.referencetextpanel.NRefButtonTextArea.getHTMLText(NRefButtonTextArea.java:328)
 at numeracy.referencetextpanel.NInputPanelRefTextButton.getReferencedText(NInputPanelRefTextButton.java:59)
 at numeracy.referencetextpanel.NInputRefText.actionPerformed(NInputRefText.java:106)
 at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1995)

我的自定义样式是这样插入的(cID 是像“{0-0}”这样的字符串):

StyledDocument doc = this.getStyledDocument();

 NRefButton b = this.createRefButton(cID);

 Style style = doc.addStyle(cID, null); //prepare a style
 StyleConstants.setComponent(style, b);  

 doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), b.toString(), style); //insert button at index

函数 createRefButton(String cID):

 private NRefButton createRefButton(String cID) {

  NRefButton b = new NRefButton(_equationButtons.get(cID).getText(), cID, _equationButtons.get(cID).isStruck()); //prepare a button

  return b;

NRefButton 覆盖 toString,它返回 "{"+cID+"}"。


有没有一种不同/更好的方法可以让我从此 JTextPane 获取 HTML?我想要的只是粗体/斜体/下划线文本周围的 HTML 标签,而不是过于复杂,因为我必须去掉不必要的 HTML,并且“样式”以 button.toString() 的形式出现。

或者我应该实现自己的 toHTML() 方法,用所需的标签包裹粗体/斜体/下划线文本?我不介意这样做(在某些方面我更喜欢它),但我不知道如何获取给定 JTextPane 文档的样式。我想如果我能够获得这些样式,我可以遍历它们,将样式文本包装在适当的标签中?

理想情况下,图示的 JTextPane 内容将输出为:

<html><p>This is some <b>styled</b> text. It is <u>incredible</u>.
Here we have a button that has been dropped in: {0-0}. These buttons are a <b><i>required part of this project.</i></b>

我也希望能够将输出 HTMLJTextPane - 我不介意为此编写自己的 fromHTML() 方法,但我需要能够先获取 HTML。



1 回答 1



我编写了自己的 HTML 导出器:

  package com.HTMLExport;

    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    import javax.swing.text.Element;
    import javax.swing.text.ElementIterator;
    import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
    import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;

    public class NHTMLWriter {

     private StyledDocument _sd;
     private ElementIterator _it;

     protected static final char NEWLINE = '\n';

     public NHTMLWriter(StyledDocument doc) {
      _sd = doc;
      _it = new ElementIterator(doc.getDefaultRootElement());

     public String getHTML(){
      return "<html>" + this.getBody() + "</html>";

     protected String getBody() {
           This will be a section element for a styled document.
           We represent this element in HTML as the body tags.
              Therefore we ignore it.

      Element next = null;

      String body = "<body>";

      while((next = _it.next()) != null) {
       if (this.isText(next)) {
        body += writeContent(next);
       else if(next.getName().equals("component")){
        body += getText(next);  //this is where the custom component is output. 
      body += "</body>";

      return body;
      * Returns true if the element is a text element.
     protected boolean isText(Element elem) {
      return (elem.getName() == AbstractDocument.ContentElementName);
     protected String writeContent(Element elem){

      AttributeSet attr = elem.getAttributes();

  String startTags = this.getStartTag(attr);

  String content = startTags + this.getText(elem) + this.getEndTag(startTags);

  return content;
      * Writes out text
     protected String text(Element elem){
      String contentStr = getText(elem);
      if ((contentStr.length() > 0) && (contentStr.charAt(contentStr.length()-1) == NEWLINE)) {
       contentStr = contentStr.substring(0, contentStr.length()-1) + "<br/>";
      if (contentStr.length() > 0) {
       return contentStr;
      return contentStr;

     protected String getText(Element elem){
      try {
       return _sd.getText(elem.getStartOffset(), elem.getEndOffset() - elem.getStartOffset()).replaceAll(NEWLINE+"", "<br/>");
      } catch (BadLocationException e) {
      return "";
     private String getEndTag(String startTags) {

  String[] startOrder = startTags.split("<");

  String tags = "";

  for(String s : startOrder){
   tags = "</" + s + tags;

  return tags;
     private String getStartTag(AttributeSet attr) {

      String tag = "";

       tag += "<b>";
       tag += "<i>";
       tag += "<u>";

      return tag;

现在我需要编写代码,以便它可以执行相反的操作:将输出 HTML 转换为 StyledDocument。


于 2009-10-12T03:07:27.737 回答