I am learning CSS on the fly, so if this is stupid, bear with me. I need a lot of different types of <p> tags, as I am using CSS styles to manage an ebook in HTML (this format is required, and I am not allowed to deviate from the established structure). At the moment I have 15 different <p> classes, and I will need a lot more (probably over 50). Many of theses classes are very similar, with only a 1 or 2 differences between any 2.

So, is it possible to have tag classes that inherit from other classes, similar to how OOP works? And if that isn't possible, then is there some way to make this more efficient?


3 回答 3



要以不同方式格式化段落,您可以在标签中使用多个类<p>,用空格分隔,例如<p class="warning important aside">. 对于每个类,您可以根据需要设置 CSS 属性(范围从设置单个属性到复杂的设置)。

您不需要(也不应该)分别为每个类声明例如字体系列。通常为所有段落设置它就足够了,例如p { font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; }。类不是对象,也不是类对象。它只是一种对元素进行分类的方法,以便您可以在一组元素上设置 CSS 属性。

于 2013-03-20T07:54:04.680 回答


<p class='main-class secondary-class'></p>

之后, style: .main-class { /*你的 CSS 代码 */ }

.secondary-class /*Selects <p> tags with second class*/
 /*Styles that is different than the main class*/
于 2013-03-20T09:04:04.403 回答

我在 Google、Yahoo 等大多数 Giant 网站上看到的内容。


.hFont { font-family: Helvetica, San-serif; } 
.vFont { font-family: Tahoma; } 

.sBold { font-weight: semi-bold; } 
.bBold { font-weight: bold; } 


<h1 class="hFont sBold">Hi this is Heading!!! </h1>

我认为这应该是我们可以使用的最好和最有效的方法。这只是一个例子。因此,在一个 CSS 类中减少和组合您的相同样式。

于 2013-03-20T07:25:47.030 回答