
这是一个通用的 crud 视图,具有以下模板:

<div id="<%= crudId %>">
  <div class="header-view"></div>
  <div class="table-view"></div>
  <div class="form-view"></div>

你可以在这里看到crud:http: //bbbootstrap.com.ar/index.html#Wine


问题是我希望它是一个基本的 crud 视图,并且易于接受,添加新的子视图,例如,添加一个新面板来发布一些批量操作。


1- 继承:创建一个新的 CrudBulkView 继承自 CrudView,修改模板以具有批量视图占位符。

优点:继承可以提供相当优雅和简单的解决方案缺点:它有点限制,我希望能够编写 BulkView 并将其添加到 CrudView。

2-向 crudview 添加一个方法,例如 addView(view, place) ,其中位置类似于“beforeForm”、“afterForm”、“beforeTable”等......(它太硬编码了......


3-在我要添加的每个子视图中传递一个函数,该函数负责在 CrudView 渲染容器之后创建 dom 并附加到它。该方法可以调用 setEl 并返回新创建的 el。

优点:非常灵活缺点:将子视图附加到 dom 的过程增加了一些复杂性

4-修改 crudView 模板,然后附加到它,如下所示:

<div id="<%= crudId %>">
  <div class="header-view"></div>
  <div class="table-view"></div>
  <div class="form-view"></div>
  <div class="bulk-view"></div

那么 bulkView.el 将是 '.bulk-view'

优点:简单的方法缺点:必须弄乱字符串,而不是处理 dom



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var viewCtor = Backbone.View.prototype.constructor;

// Assuming we have a reference to the subviews already
var BaseCrudView = Backbone.View.extend({
  // This is null for an important reason, see comment in constructor
  subViews: null,

  // Override the constructor instead of initialize since this is meant to be a base object, so things that
  // inherit don't have to remember to call the parent inialize every time.
  constructor: function() {
    viewCtor.apply(this, arguments);

    // It is important this is initialized when instantiating the view rather than in the prototype.
    // Backbone's extend() will "copy" the prototype properties of the parent when extending, which really
    // just performs an assignment. If this were initialized above in the prototype then all children
    // that inherit from that prototype would share the exact same instance of the array/object. If a child
    // adds something to the array, it would be changed for all instances that inherit from the parent.
    this.subViews = {
      header: new HeaderView(),
      table: new TableView

    this.subViewOrder = [

  addBefore: function(subView, name, beforeView) {
    this.subViews[name] = subView;
    var viewLoc = this.subViewOrder.indexOf(beforeView);
    if(viewLoc == -1) {
      viewLoc = 0;
    this.subViewOrder.splice(viewLoc, 0, name);

  addAfter: function(subView, name, afterView) {
    this.subViews[name] = subView;
    var viewLoc = this.subViewOrder.indexOf(afterView);
    if(viewLoc == -1) {
      viewLoc = this.subViewOrder.length - 1;
    this.subViewOrder.splice(viewLoc + 1, 0, name);

  moveBefore: function(name, beforeView) {
    this.addBefore(this.subViews[name], name, this.subViewOrder.splice(this.subViewOrder.indexOf(name), 1));

  moveAfter: function(name, afterView) {
    this.addAfter(this.subViews[name], name, this.subViewOrder.splice(this.subViewOrder.indexOf(name), 1));

  render: function() {
    var that = this;

    _.each(this.subViewOrder, function(viewName) {
      // Assumes the render() call on any given view returns 'this' to get 'el'

    return this;

var BulkCrudView = BaseCrudView.extend({
  inialize: function() {
    // Skipping the last parameter causes it to insert at the end
    this.addAfter(new BulkView(), 'bulkView');

有了这个,您可以轻松地在初始化时扩展BulkCrudView和修改其subViews数组以添加/插入任何您想要的。不过,它也可以实例化 aBaseCrudView并使用视图方法。只要感觉更干净和/或漂浮你的船。

于 2013-04-11T06:32:05.413 回答