我在 FreeRTOS (FreeRTOSV7.4.0\FreeRTOS\Source\tasks.c) 中找到了一些代码:
void vTaskSuspendAll( void )
/* A critical section is not required as the variable is of type
portBASE_TYPE. */
void vTaskSuspendAll( void )
/* A critical section is not required as the variable is of type
portBASE_TYPE. */
4dc: 4b03 ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (4ec <vTaskSuspendAll+0x10>)
4de: f8d3 2118 ldr.w r2, [r3, #280] ; 0x118
4e2: 1c50 adds r0, r2, #1
4e4: f8c3 0118 str.w r0, [r3, #280] ; 0x118
4e8: 4770 bx lr
4ea: bf00 nop
4ec: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
000004f0 <xTaskGetTickCount>:
return xAlreadyYielded;