我想知道是否有人知道在 excel 中使用 VBA 的方法或在 excel 中的任何其他方法:

以交互方式单击 Excel 中绘制的图形的 x 轴,该 x 轴值将输出到单元格。



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如果您在查看图表/图表轴时创建一个事件处理程序,那将帮助您入门。把它放在工作簿代码模块中。当文件打开时,Cht会根据Workbook_Open事件进行设置。然后Private Sub Cht_Select...将在用户选择图表时运行。如果所选零件是轴,则会显示一个消息框。您将需要想出一种方法来确定光标相对于轴的位置,并进行一些数学运算以尝试计算轴值。

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents Cht As Chart
Private Sub Cht_Select(ByVal ElementID As Long, _
    ByVal Arg1 As Long, ByVal Arg2 As Long)

    If ElementID = xlAxis Then
    MsgBox "Call your macro here to identify cursor position in chart..."
    End If

End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    Set Cht = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Set Cht = Sheet1.ChartObjects(1).Chart
End Sub




这是一个稍微修改的版本,您可以将其放入标准模块中,以返回数组中的 XY 坐标。由您决定如何将这些与图表轴对象、最小/最大值、长度、左侧和顶部值一起使用,以便在选择轴时计算(或近似)光标的轴值。

' Access the GetCursorPos function in user32.dll
  Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" _
  (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
  ' Access the GetCursorPos function in user32.dll
  Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" _
  (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long

  ' GetCursorPos requires a variable declared as a custom data type
  ' that will hold two integers, one for x value and one for y value
     X_Pos As Long
     Y_Pos As Long
  End Type

  ' This function retrieve cursor position:
  Function Get_Cursor_Pos() As Variant

  ' Dimension the variable that will hold the x and y cursor positions
  Dim Hold As POINTAPI
    Dim xyArray(1) As Variant

  ' Place the cursor positions in variable Hold
  GetCursorPos Hold

  ' Display the cursor position coordinates
    xyArray(0) = Hold.X_Pos
    xyArray(1) = Hold.Y_Pos
    Get_Cursor_Pos = xyArray
  End Function

Sub GetCoordinates()
    Dim xyPosition As Variant

    xyPosition = Get_Cursor_Pos

    Debug.Print xyPosition(0)
    Debug.Print xyPosition(1)

    '### Now that you have the x and y position, you will need to perform some
    ' additional computations with the Axis' .top, .left, and its min/max values
    ' in order to get the approximate axis location where you mouse-clicked it.

End Sub
于 2013-03-20T01:59:36.367 回答