What's a good way for an IE hosted .net user control (e.g., < object classid="myctrl.dll#init">) to pull down an unmanaged dll for it to use?

For Click-once, this is easy with a manifest, but ie hosted controls don't get installed in the click-once app cache and instead run out of the download cache. Copy the dll there? Or into the temp directory?

Added: I'm fine with full trust. The reason for using .net is the better security model over active-x (more kinds of evidence)


1 回答 1


如果可以做到这一点,我会感到惊讶,因为这将是一个巨大的安全漏洞。本机代码只能在完全信任的情况下运行,因此加载新的本机 COM 对象需要对对象进行签名,下载它的 CAB 也进行签名,并且类(一旦注册)适当注册 - 并且用户得到适当的警告,以确保他们只运行他们信任的控件和组件。

允许 .NET 代码规避其中一些规则,因为它经过验证、在虚拟机下运行并被沙盒化。

于 2008-09-30T23:02:15.770 回答