I'm having problem reported as below while trying to execute it. Where should I go to let it know where to find the .so lib which is under ${HOME}/projects/OpenImageIO/dist/linux64/lib?
Starting: /home/chaoren/Dropbox/hw2/hw2_3 /home/chaoren/Dropbox/hw2/hw2_3: error while loading shared libraries: libOpenImageIO.so.1.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I built this project by importing my Makefile
OFILES = Matrix.o LinearAlgebra.o PerlinNoise.o Camera.o OIIOFiles.o Image.o Utilities.o Grid.o SparceGrid.o VolumeOperations.o Ray.o Face.o Line.o Lights.o Group.o PolySurf.o File.o OBJFile.o Vector.o
LIB = $(ROOTDIR)/libVR.a
LINKS = Magick++-config --cppflags --cxxflags --ldflags --libs -lm -lOpenImageIO -L/usr/local/lib -L${HOME}/projects/OpenImageIO/dist/linux64/lib
INCLUDES = Magick++-config --cppflags --cxxflags -I${HOME}/projects/OpenImageIO/dist/linux64/include
CXX = g++ -Wall -g -O2 -D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread -fopenmp
$(CXX) -c $(INCLUDES) $<
all: $(AFILES)
ar rv $(LIB) $?
hw2_1: hw2_1.C
$(CXX) hw2_1.C $(INCLUDES) $(LIB) $(LINKS) -o hw2_1
hw2_2: hw2_2.C
$(CXX) hw2_2.C $(INCLUDES) $(LIB) $(LINKS) -o hw2_2
hw2_3: hw2_3.C
$(CXX) hw2_3.C $(INCLUDES) $(LIB) $(LINKS) -o hw2_3
noiseimage: noiseimage.C
$(CXX) noiseimage.C $(INCLUDES) $(LIB) $(LINKS) -o noiseimage
rm -f *.o *.gch core $(LIB) vr vrppm *~ vRender hw2_1 hw_2 hw2_3