此类的大小变量在构造函数中设置为零。仅当您将项目添加到数组或删除一个项目时,它才会增加或减少,在这种情况下切割成两半,大小会减少到 1/2 容量。

但是,我的 size 变量似乎跑掉了,随机变成了随机数,就像 516846 一样,不在它设置的大小范围内。我检查并遵循了我的程序,找不到任何改变尺寸的东西,我知道尺寸和容量是在施工时设置的。

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename ItemType>
class Node 
        ItemType* items;
        int size;
        int capacity;

        Node* nextNode;
        Node* prevNode;

        Node(Node* pNode, Node* nNode, int limit)
            prevNode = pNode;
            nextNode = nNode;
            capacity = limit;
            size = 0;

            if(capacity != 0)
                items = new ItemType[capacity];

            cout << "Node() capcity = " << capacity << " size = " << size << endl;


        int getSize()
            return size;

        void addItem(int index, ItemType item)
            cout << "node->addItem" << endl;
            for(int i = (getSize() - 1); i >= index; i--)
                items[i + 1] = items[i];
            items[index] = item;
            size ++;
        void addItem(ItemType item)
            cout << "node->addItem" << endl;
            items[getSize()] = item;
            size ++;

        void deleteItem(int index)
            cout << "node->deleteItem index = " << index << endl;

            for(int i = index; i < (getSize() - 1); i++)
                items[i] = items[i+1];
            size --;

        void cleaveInHalf()
            cout << "node->cleaveInHalf" << endl;
            size = capacity/2;

        bool isFull()
            return ((getSize() >= capacity) ? true : false);


当调用 isFull() 函数时,我收到错误“访问冲突读取位置 0x00000004”。大小是一些奇怪的数字,例如 51515615。

    void insert(int index, const ItemType& item) 
        cout << "lal->insert" << endl;
        if (index > size)

        //if we have no nodes to hold data make a new one between head and tail
        if (head->nextNode == tail)
            linkNewNode(head, tail);
        // lets find the node to put it in and the spot in the array of the node
        int indexIntoArray = 0;
        Node<ItemType>* temp = getNodeContainingIndex(index, indexIntoArray);
            // if we are full then we ant to split, and then call this function again to find the new location to go in.
            insert(index, item);
        // and now insert it in
        cout << "lal->----attempting to add item at " << indexIntoArray << endl;
        temp->addItem(indexIntoArray, item);
        size ++;

    Node<ItemType>* getNodeContainingIndex(int index, int& indexIntoArray)
        cout << "lal->getNodeContainingIndex" << endl;
        Node<ItemType>* temp;
        if (index == size)
            temp = tail->prevNode;
            indexIntoArray = temp->getSize();
        else if (index <= (size/2)) /* coming from 0*/
            cout << "lal->----coming from 0" << endl;
            int position = 0;
            temp = head->nextNode;
            position = position + temp->getSize();

            while (position < index)
                temp = temp->nextNode;
                position = position + temp->getSize();
            indexIntoArray = index - (position - temp->getSize());
            return temp;
        else /*coming from size*/
            cout << "lal->----coming from size = " << size << endl;
            int position = size;
            temp = tail;
            while (position > index)
                temp = temp->prevNode;
                position = position - temp->getSize();
            indexIntoArray = abs(position - index);
            return temp;

    Node<ItemType>* linkNewNode(Node<ItemType>* prev, Node<ItemType>* next)
        cout << "lal->linkNewNode" << endl;
        Node<ItemType>* temp = new Node<ItemType>(prev, next, arrayCapacity);
        prev->nextNode = temp; next->prevNode = temp;
        numOfNodes ++;
        return temp;

它在 getNodeContainingIndex 函数中中断的地方,就在这里

int indexIntoArray = 0;
Node<ItemType>* temp = getNodeContainingIndex(index, indexIntoArray);

在 temp->isFull() 行。


1 回答 1


您正在发生错误,因为LinkedArrayList您正在调用的指针isFull为空。我可以这样说,因为您在 0x00000004 错误处遇到访问冲突;并且以这种方式导致具有看起来像这样的数字的访问冲突。size4 来自对象开头的偏移量;无意义的值,size因为您的指针是垃圾。

看起来有一条getNodeContainingIndex不返回值的路径(where index == size);这可能会导致您的问题。但实际上,您最好单步调试调试器,看看它在做什么。

于 2013-03-19T21:36:50.100 回答