Ive searched for hours ... but Im at a loss !
I have imported an image int Mathematica -> dimensions 2x2cm at 72DPI.
I am trying to "label" the image with a text string that: - has font color "fontColor" - has a black outline, so it contrasts to any underlying color - sits in the bottom right corner of the imported image - has size h/w in cm - optionally sits in a text box with a white background
This is how far ive come:
image = Import["myimg.jpg"];
inchFactor = 2.54;(* 1 inch = 2.54cm *)
docRes = 72;
pixelConverter = docRes/inchFactor/2;
myText = First[
Style["glorious label string here", Bold, FontSize -> 15,
FontFamily -> "Verdana"], "PDF"], "PDF",
"TextMode" -> "Outlines"]]];
myTextGraphic =
Graphics[{EdgeForm[Directive[Black, Thickness[0.01]]], White,
myText}, Background -> White,
ImageSize -> {10*pixelConverter, 2*pixelConverter}];
myTextGraphic = Rasterize[myTextGraphic];
combined = SetAlphaChannel[myTextGraphic, myTextGraphicAlphaVersion];
I found the above method (PDF wrapper) for the black outline of the text string.
I am adding an AlphaChannel to the graphic of the text string using a version of it that only uses black/white.
I then try to combine the images with Overlay.
As none of this seems to work concerning the outputted image size and positioning, Im kindly asking for help. There´s no need to "fix" that messy code.
Maybe you could point me to a script or tutorial - all I really want is to add and position a text string or text box to an underlying image.
Thanks a lot !