I have a view model that has two arrays. I want to iterate over one array and access the value at the same index on the other array, but it seems that you can't use $parent with $index. See here:

function viewModel(factors,models) {
    this.name="parent View model";
    this.factors = ko.observableArray(factors);   
    this.models = ko.observableArray(models);

function subViewModel(name, array) {
    this.anotherArray = ko.observableArray(array);
    this.name = name;

ko.applyBindings(new viewModel(
    [ new subViewModel("model1", ["foo","bar"]), 
    new subViewModel("model2", ["one","two"])

<div data-bind="text:name"></div><hr/>
<div data-bind="foreach:models">
    <div data-bind="text: $parent.factors()[$index]"></div>
    <div data-bind="text:name"></div>

If you change $parent.factors()[$index] to $parent.factors()[0] it will display the right entry from the factors array. If you replace it with just $index, you get the right indexes. But if you combine them, it seems knockout isn't able to parse $index in an expression that already has $parent?

Anybody else seen this?

I know I could combine my arrays into a single array of a view model that combines the properties, but I have a reason for not doing that. This is part of a much more complex view model.


1 回答 1


$index is an observable itself.

From the documentation:

This is the zero-based index of the current array entry being rendered by a foreach binding. Unlike the other binding context properties, $index is an observable...

So you need to write $index() if you are using it inside in an expression:

<div data-bind="text: $parent.factors()[$index()]"></div>

Demo JSFiddle.

于 2013-03-19T19:53:37.510 回答