I want to test custom variables in analytics, but I am not sure if they appear as I track them. I have tracked successfully two other variables but I am having problem with the third, the only difference I see is the name that contains spaces Signed up users.

Anyway what I want to know is how many time do I have to wait to see custom variable appear?

I am using this code:

x=function(){_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 3, 'Signed up users', 'true', 3]);_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);}

And when I run this function real time result mark a visit, anyway I don't see the custom variable tracked, going to try with other variables.


1 回答 1


测试这一点的一种方法是设置基于自定义变量的过滤器 - 因为实时视图,正如它在 GA 界面中所说的那样,“现在服从配置文件过滤器”,您应该能够立即从实时结果中推断出,如果您的自定义变量是否已设置(为此使用测试配置文件,因为过滤器将永久更改您的数据)。

数据显示在标准报告中需要多长时间取决于您的网站(Google 需要计算的数据越多,花费的时间就越长) - 我认为在帮助论坛中它说 4 小时,根据我的经验,它通常会快一点(一到两个小时)。

于 2013-03-19T16:40:53.403 回答