I have a load of JobControls running at the same time, all with the same set of ControlledJobs. Each JobControl is dealing with a different set of input / output files, by date range, but they are all of the type. The problem that I am observing is that the reduce steps are receiving data designed to be processed by a reducer handling a different date range. The date range is set by the Job, used to determine the input and output, and read from the context within the reducer.

This stops if I submit the JobControls sequentially but that's no good. Is this something I should be solving with a custom partitioner? How would I even determine the correct reducer for a key if I don't know which reducer is dealing with my current date-range? Why would the instantiated reducers not be locked to their JobControl?

I have writing all the JobControls, Jobs, Maps and Reduces against their base implementations in Java.

I'm using the 2.0.3-alpha with yarn. Could that have anything to do with it?

I have to be a little careful sharing the code, but here's a sanitised mapper:

protected void map(LongWritable key, ProtobufWritable<Model> value, Context context) 
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  context.write(new Text(value.get().getSessionId()), 
                new ProtobufModelWritable(value.get()));

And Reducer:

protected void reduce(Text sessionId, Iterable<ProtobufModelWritable> models, Context context) 
     throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  Interval interval = getIntervalFromConfig(context);
  Model2 model2 = collapseModels(Iterables.transform(models, TO_MODEL));

      "model2: " + model2 + " does not belong in " + interval);

private Interval getIntervalFromConfig(Context context) {
  String i = context.getConfiguration().get(INTERVAL_KEY);
  return Utils.interval(i);

1 回答 1


作为参考,我用两件事解决了这个问题。最重要的问题是,当我为每个间隔创建单独的作业时,我给它们每个都赋予了相同的名称。通过将序列化间隔附加到作业名称,Hadoop 知道将映射结果发送到哪些减速器。


于 2013-03-22T08:08:06.943 回答