as a line in your batch file:
for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%i in (thenameofyourfile) do if "%%i"=="Error" set message=%%j
echo message was "%message%"
Actually, that will report if ANY lines are in the format you describe.
(SET message=)
FOR /f "tokens=1,2*delims=[]:" %%i IN (
' TYPE thenameofyourfile^|find /n /v "" '
) DO (
SET lastline=%%i
IF "%%j"=="Error" SET errorline=%%i&SET message=%%k
SET /a target=%errorline% + 3
IF %target% neq %lastline% (SET message=)
IF DEFINED message ECHO error found %message%
should get the line ONLY if it's the fourth last line in the file - the "+ 3" being the line-count required (well, minus 1)
BUT - remember that if this is, as it seems, a log file that it's possible (I'd imagine) that further entries may appear AFTER the error (for further jobs) so the target for the Line beginning "Error:"
may not be the fourth-last...
OTOH, using the line(s) I first posted, once an "Error:..." line appears, it will be detected EVERY time - you'd need to reset the logfile in your mail-send procedure (save existing & recreate empty?)