我正在用 Python 编写 Conway 的生活游戏,但偶然发现了一个奇怪的语法错误。它在我定义的第一个函数中。据说nextnext=[]中的nextnext是错误的。如果我把它拿出来:在for循环之后也会给出一个synthax错误。我在一个单独的文件中尝试了这个函数,它在那里工作得很好,所以我真的不知道我做错了什么。

TIME = 100
life = []           # create list 'life'
life.append(seed)   # add seed to life

numrows = len(seed)         # calculate number of rows
numcolumns = len(seed[0])   # calculate number of columns
current = seed              # make seed the first current(matrix you're starting off with in each step)
nextnext = []

def create_empty_universum (seed):
    numrows = len(seed)         # calculate number of rows
    numcolumns = len(seed[0]    # calculate number of columns
    nextnext = []               # create empty list next
    for i in range(numrows):    # define number of rows in nextnext
        nextnext.append([0] * numcolumns)  # define number of columns in nextnext
    return nextnext

def compute_new_value(nextnext,row,column):    
    neighbors = 0                                 # start counter 'neighbors' with 0
    if current[row][(column+1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors += 1                            # add 1 to neighbors
    if current[row][(column-1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1        
        neighbors += 1                            # add 1 to neighbors      
    if current[(row-1)%numrows][column] == 1:     # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors += 1                            # add 1 to neighbors      
    if current[(row+1)%numrows][column] == 1:     # if neighboring cell has a value of 1 
        neighbors +=1                             # add 1 to neighbors      
    if current[(row+1)%numrows][(column+1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors +=1                                         # add 1 to neighbors 
    if current[(row-1)%numrows][(column+1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors += 1                                        # add 1 to neighbors 
    if current[(row-1)%numrows][(column-1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors += 1                                        # add 1 to neighbors 
    if current[(row+1)%numrows][(column-1)%numcolumns] == 1:  # if neighboring cell has a value of 1
        neighbors +=1                                         # add 1 to neighbors 
    if current[row][column] == 1:               # in case a target cell has a value of 1:
        if neighbors < 2:                       # if the number of neighbors is smaller than 2
            nextnext[row][column] = 0           # value of target cell becomes 0 in nextnext
        elif neighbors == 2 or neighbors == 3:  # if the number of neighbors is 2 or 3
            nextnext[row][column] = 1           # value of target cell stays 1 in nextnext
        elif neighbors > 3:                     # if the number of neigbors is higher than 3
            nextnext[row][column] = 0           # value of target cell becomes 0 in nextnext
    elif current [row][column] == 0:            # in case a target cell has a value of 0:
        if neighbors == 3:                      # if the number of neighbors is 3
            nextnext[row][column] = 1           # value of target cell becomes 1 in       nextnext
         elif neighbors != 3:                    # if the number of neigbors isn't 3
            nextnext[row][column] = 0           # value of target cell stays 0 in nextnext
    return nextnext

for t in range(TIME):    # determine amount of times the loop will
    nextnext = create_empty_universum(seed)
    for row in range(numrows):              # for each
            for column in range(numcolumns):    # for each column 

                nextnext = compute_new_value(nextnext,row,column)

current = nextnext     # make nextnext matrix the current matrix for the next step 
life.append(current)   # add current to life

import show
show.show(life, SIZE=10)

1 回答 1



numcolumns = len(seed[0]    # calculate number of columns
# missing )   ----------^
nextnext = []               # create empty list next

当您遇到 Python 语法错误并且无法发现它时,请查看一行以查看您的括号、大括号和圆括号是否平衡。

于 2013-03-19T14:57:35.643 回答