i need some advice on what method i should use when persisting data on my site.

Each member of the site as a property with information about that property spread across multiple tabs (separate pages). I need to know how i can persist the property ID when browsing between these pages, so that they can navigate to a separate tab and still see information about the same property.

I know how to do this using cookies, but am worried that if a user uses a PC where cookies are disabled, this will screw up how things work.

Maybe session variables?

Thanks, Gavin


1 回答 1


在 ASP.NET 网页中的请求之间持久化数据有很多选项,我在这篇文章中有详细介绍:在 ASP.NET 网页之间传输数据

于 2013-03-19T15:15:35.573 回答