I have a pretty simple site working in Flask that's all powered from an sqlite db. Each page is stored as a row in the page table, which holds stuff like the path, title, content.
The structure is hierarchical where a page can have a parent. So while for example, 'about' may be a page, there could also be 'about/something' and 'about/cakes'. So I want to create a navigation bar with links to all links that have a parent of '/' (/ is the root page). In addition, I'd like it to also show the page that is open and all parents of that page.
So for example if we were at 'about/cakes/muffins', in addition to the links that always show, we'd also see the link to 'about/cakes', in some manner like so:
- About/
- Cakes/
- Muffins
- Genoise
- Pies/
- Stuff/
- Contact
- Legal
- Etc.[/]
with trailing slashes for those pages with children, and without for those that don't.
def index():
page = query_db('select * from page where path = "/"', one=True)
return render_template('page.html', page=page, bread=[''])
def page(path=None):
page = query_db('select * from page where path = "%s"' % path, one=True)
bread = Bread(path)
return render_template('page.html', page=page, crumbs=bread.links)
I already feel like I'm violating DRY for having two functions there. But doing navigation will violate it further, since I also want the navigation on things like error pages.
But I can't seem to find a particularly Flasky way to do this. Any ideas?