是否可以在 Excel 中执行此操作,如果可以,我将如何实现这一目标。我有一些使用 Visual Basic 的经验,但我以前没有遇到过这个。
最终,我尝试在以下链接中制作仪表板的 excel 版本:
是否可以在 Excel 中执行此操作,如果可以,我将如何实现这一目标。我有一些使用 Visual Basic 的经验,但我以前没有遇到过这个。
最终,我尝试在以下链接中制作仪表板的 excel 版本:
未选择 Shape-object 时打开宏录制。现在选择它并改变它的位置。停止录制并使用生成的代码。
当我尝试它时,它看起来对我很有用。我得到了一些 IncrementTop 和 IncrementLeft 代码。您也可以直接使用 Top 和 Left 属性。
将 Shape 对象的名称更改为有意义的名称(在公式框左侧的地址框中)可能是一个想法,以便您的代码更具可读性。
所以对于我的名为 PositionIndicator 的形状:
ActiveSheet.Shapes("PositionIndicator").Left = 250
ActiveSheet.Shapes("PositionIndicator").Left = _
ActiveSheet.Shapes("PositionIndicator").Left + 5
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Here your script to check if the change concerns one of your input cells and then run the code to change the location of the Shape-object
End Sub
Sub SolutionShape(currentVal)
Dim shpBar As Shape, shpCurrent As Shape
'let's assume we have only two shapes on the Activesheet
Set shpBar = ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)
Set shpCurrent = ActiveSheet.Shapes(2)
Dim barMin As Double, barMax As Double
barMin = 0.51 'both values could be taken from sheet
barMax = 6.75
'let's do it visualy complicated this time :)
With shpCurrent
.Left = (-.Width / 2 + shpBar.Left) + _
(((currentVal - barMin) / (barMax - barMin)) * shpBar.Width)
**'EDITED- adding information about current value:**
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = currentVal
End With
End Sub
SolutionShape 0.51 'go to beginning
SolutionShape 6.75 'go to end
假设进度条是工作表上的形状(索引 1),文本框是形状索引 2;以下内容根据完成百分比沿进度条移动文本框。
Option Explicit
Public Sub movebox()
Dim textbox As Shape, progbar As Shape
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim stp As Integer, endp As Integer
Dim tbdyn As Integer
Dim mn As Double, mx As Double, actper As Double, cur As Double
Dim admn As Double, admx As Double
Set ws = Sheets("sheet1")
Set progbar = ws.Shapes(1)
Set textbox = ws.Shapes(2)
'// Far left of progress bar position
stp = progbar.Left
'// Far right of progress bar position
endp = (progbar.Width + stp)
'// Adjust for starting at 0.51
'// You could adjust mn,mx and cur to take the values
'// from the appropriate cells on the spreadsheet
mn = 0.51
mx = 6.07
admn = 0
admx = 6.07 - mn
cur = 4
'// Calculate percentage complete
actper = cur / admx
'// Apply percentage to progress bar
tbdyn = actper * endp
'// Move the textox appropriately
textbox.Left = tbdyn
End Sub